Mean Saving-Cost Ratio: A Metric for Evaluating the Impact of Image Preprocessing on the Rate-Distortion Performance of Video Encoding
Mean Saving-Cost Ratio: A Metric for Evaluating the Impact of Image Preprocessing on the Rate-Distortion Performance of Video Encoding

Feb 10, 2023

Measuring the Influence of Image Preprocessing on the Rate-Distortion Performance of Video Encoding
Measuring the Influence of Image Preprocessing on the Rate-Distortion Performance of Video Encoding

Dec 5, 2022

AR in VR: Omnistereoscopic Telepresence with Holograms for Remote Maintenance and Collaboration
AR in VR: Omnistereoscopic Telepresence with Holograms for Remote Maintenance and Collaboration

Nov 20, 2022

Adaptive Live Video Streaming for Teleoperated Driving
Adaptive Live Video Streaming for Teleoperated Driving

Failures of autonomous vehicles are inevitable. One possible solution to cope with these failures is teleoperated driving, where a human operator controls the vehicle from a remote environment. In this thesis, adaptive video streaming for teleoperated driving is investigated to provide the operator with the best possible situation awareness when controlling the vehicle from remote. A teledriving framework for the adaptation of individual camera views based on the current traffic situation is developed. Additionally, a preprocessing filter concept is proposed that allows for individual rate/quality adaptation while considering the hardware limitations of autonomous vehicles.

Nov 3, 2022

AR in VR: Augmented Reality Cues in 360-Degree Stereoscopic Telepresence for Remote Collaboration and Maintenance
AR in VR: Augmented Reality Cues in 360-Degree Stereoscopic Telepresence for Remote Collaboration and Maintenance

Jul 20, 2022

Traffic-Aware Multi-View Video Stream Adaptation for Teleoperated Driving
Traffic-Aware Multi-View Video Stream Adaptation for Teleoperated Driving

Jun 19, 2022

Preprocessor Rate Control for Adaptive Multi-View Live Video Streaming Using a Single Encoder
Preprocessor Rate Control for Adaptive Multi-View Live Video Streaming Using a Single Encoder

Jan 12, 2022

Measuring Driver Situation Awareness Using Region-of-Interest Prediction and Eye Tracking
Measuring Driver Situation Awareness Using Region-of-Interest Prediction and Eye Tracking

Dec 2, 2020

Adaptive Multi-View Live Video Streaming for Teledriving Using a Single Hardware Encoder
Adaptive Multi-View Live Video Streaming for Teledriving Using a Single Hardware Encoder

Dec 2, 2020

TELECARLA: An Open Source Extension of the CARLA Simulator for Teleoperated Driving Research Using Off-The-Shelf Components
TELECARLA: An Open Source Extension of the CARLA Simulator for Teleoperated Driving Research Using Off-The-Shelf Components

Oct 20, 2020