Scale your Workflow
Scale your Workflow
- Project Management
- Development
- Documentation
Project Management
Integrated in GitLab|GitHub|Bitbucket|…
- Issue Trackers
- Milestones
- Boards
- …
Issue Trackers
- Collect ideas
- Document and discuss your decisions/progress
- For/with others
- For/with your future self
Team Discussions
- Early feedback
- Constantly explain/justify/rethink your ideas
Fail Often, Fail Fast, Fail Early
- Common rules you should always follow
- SOLID Guidelines
- DRY (Don’t repeat yourself)
- Design Patterns
- Existing solutions for common design problems
- Don’t reinvent the wheel
- Unit Tests
- Test individual components
- Integration Tests
- Test interaction of larger parts
- System Tests
- Test the entire system
- Consistency is key
- Automate whenever possible
- Code Format
- Consistent code layout
- Available for almost every language
- Linters
- Avoid common errors
- Clang-Format
- CMake-Format
- Clang-Tidy
- CppCheck
- CppLint
- black
- yapf
- pylint
- flake8
for t, m, ms in bag.read_messages():
# do something
C0103: Variable name "t" doesn't conform to snake_case
naming style (invalid-name)
W0612: Unused variable 't' (unused-variable)
Know your tools
- IDE for the heavy development
- Editor as your swiss army knife
- Shortcuts
Version Control
- Git as most common tool
- Git Feature Branch Workflow
- Code Review
- Knowledge transfer in both directions
Continuous Integration
- Automatically run in a configured environment
- Requires scripted/containerized environment setup
- Avoid “Works on my machine”
CI Failure
CI Pass
- Summarize the latest status
- Requires active maintenance