Talk at the Bay Area Build Meetup 2024 about Luminar's Bazel migration strategy using fully ephemeral BUILD files
Talk at BazelCon 2024 about why it would be important for safety-critical industries to have test execution output in the build graph.
Talk at the BazelCon Community Day 2023 about Luminar's Bazel migration strategy using fully ephemeral BUILD files
Lightning talk at MUC++ on the Software Engineering Lab course offered at the Technical University of Munich
Invited talk at the Vanderbilt University about my research on adaptive video streaming for teleoperated driving
Talk at the 6th ITG/VDE Graduate Summer School on Video Compression and Processing about adaptive multi-view live video streaming for teledriving using a single hardware encoder
Introduction to different tools and methods for an efficient, scalable, and maintainable workflow.
This talk gives an overview of the status in the research project "Adaptive Streaming of Sensor Information for Teleoperator Situation Awareness"
General Introduction to Unit Tests and Test Driven Development by the example of C++.
General Introduction to the SOLID Principles at the example of C++.